A microwave oven is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. It is often quicker and more convenient than equivalent methods such as boiling or baking. You can try pastries, pies, roasts, or vegetables in the convection oven.Microwave cooking includes several methods which at first sight are similar to those used in a conventional oven. The methods all make use of a microwave oven, and that might be either a simple microwave heating device, or one that includes the additional techniques of steaming, crisping, or grilling. You can microwave cookies, brownies, desserts, mug cakes, rice, eggs, fudge, muffins, and many more.Cooking in an oven is not as intimidating as it may seem. Yes, its a bit tricky but not if you get to know your oven. Theres a lot that your oven can do for you and so it deserves more attention. It can make crisp cookies, turn your meat tender or simply cook a healthy dinner.Learn all the ingredients, followed by a step-by-step procedureOffline UsageMicrowave Recipes Offline app let you manage all your favorite recipes and shopping list offline.